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闂傚倸鍊峰ù鍥儍椤愩埄鍚嬮柛鈩冾殢娴硷拷 闂備浇宕甸崰鎰垝鐏炵偓鍎熸繝濠傜墕缁狀垶鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘 婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻濞戔挋銊╁焵椤掑嫭鐓欓柛鎴欏€栫€氾拷 闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞夐敓鐘茬鐟滄棃鐛箛娑欐櫢闁跨噦鎷�

Where Are The Joys I have Met?

      where are the joys i have met?

    tune—“saw ye my father.”

    where are the joys i have met in the morning,

    that danc'd to the lark's early song?

    where is the peace that awaited my wand'ring,

    at evening the wild-woods among?

    no more a winding the course of yon river,

    and marking sweet flowerets so fair,

    no more i trace the light footsteps of pleasure,

    but sorrow and sad-sighing care.

    is it that summer's forsaken our valleys,

    and grim, surly winter is near?

    no, no, the bees humming round the gay roses

    proclaim it the pride of the year.

    fain would i hide what i fear to discover,

    yet long, long, too well have i known;

    all that has caused this wreck in my bosom,

    is jenny, fair jenny alone.

    time cannot aid me, my griefs are immortal,

    nor hope dare a comfort bestow:

    come then, enamour'd and fond of my anguish,

    enjoyment i'll seek in my woe.